Better segmentation options
Mark Anderson
Segmentation options are rather limited right now. Even a simple set of "I'm interested in" options for subscribers isn't possible. This could be significantly improved in two ways:
- add the option to segment based on wp_usermeta fields. This would allow me to gather subscriber information by many other methods (Gravity Forms, Buddy Press, etc), and then create email segments based on that.
- add a PHP API which would allow me to define my own segments by any criteria I want. While this would require a developer to take advantage of, it might make it easier for creating new segmentation options in MailPoet itself, so possibly worthwhile for both third party and your own developers :-)
Ján Mikláš
Hi everyone, with the latest release, v3.64.1, we added the ability to combine multiple conditions to create more complex segments.
We will continue improving segments in the future, but right now, we'll shift our priority to other features. Please, do continue voting on features you would like to see implemented. It helps us prioritize them.
You can vote on new segments
- Page view -
- Language -
- Did not buy a product -
- Payment method -
- Engagement score -
- Is (not) in the list -
and also on improvements
- "None of the conditions" option -
- Adding > < != for MailPoet custom field segment -
but feel free to also create new request if it's not listed above.
Lee Busch
We need "not" segmentation logic. I can't make practical use of any of these options you shipped.
Lee Busch: I agree 100%. I want to send to members of a specific list who are NOT in a segment. Right now this isn't possible.
Lee Busch
Examples: NOT a recipient of email X, NOT a member of group Y, NOT an opener or clicker of email X, etc. (MailChimp, SendInBlue, etc run rings around MP in this and other regards.)
Ján Mikláš
Hi everyone, with the latest release, v3.64.1, we added the ability to combine multiple conditions to create more complex segments.
We will continue improving segments in the future, but right now, we'll shift our priority to other features. Please, do continue voting on features you would like to see implemented. It helps us prioritize them.
You can vote on new segments
- Page view -
- Language -
- Did not buy a product -
- Payment method -
- Engagement score -
- Is (not) in the list -
and also on improvements
- "None of the conditions" option -
- Adding > < != for MailPoet custom field segment -
but feel free to also create new request if it's not listed above.
Ján Mikláš: Please prioritize "Is (not) in the list" as a segment.
Ryan Smith
It would be great to be able to segment by "Not WordPress User" for lists that have a mix of WordPress users and not.
Boris Smolyanov
The new segmenting based on active WC subscriptions works great but does not consider subscriptions made with the plugin Gifting for WooCommerce Subscriptions
Any chance to include that as well?
Ján Mikláš
New segment for MailPoet's custom field released in
Klaus Raschke
Ján Mikláš: Thanks for the update, segmenting on custom fields is a great feature.
Would it be possible to expand the filters with the next update
is > as
is < as
is != as
Ján Mikláš
New segment for customer's country released in
Best CM Strategies
I'd also like segmentation based on the subscriber score percentage. I'd like to set the percentage of engagement before sending the email
Ján Mikláš
Best CM Strategies: it's planned, although not a top priority right now.
Dave Adams
Hi, great work on the new segments. Is there a plan to add segmentation based on custom fields? Also, how about exception segmentation, so where a custom field is a certain value AND they are not subscribers to another list?
Ján Mikláš
Dave Adams: MailPoet custom field segment is coming very soon, WordPress User custom field segment a little later. We are also working on combining segments together to create more complex segments.
Ján Mikláš
Third batch of new segments released - by subscribed date and clicked on any link in any email (except of unsubscribe, manage subscription or view in browser links)
Ján Mikláš
Second batch of new segments released - total amount spent and active WooCommerce Subscription
Ján Mikláš: Awesome!!
Daniel Städeli
Ján Mikláš: thank you!
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